Academic excellence
At Stanley Bay we believe our children learn best in an environment where they feel safe, secure and valued as an individual. By developing positive relationships with adults and their peers students will develop self awareness and a strong sense of self worth.
We pride ourselves in having a long history of quality teaching and learning, resulting in high academic achievement. We aim for personal excellence, we understand success is more than academic progress and consider outcomes valued by society, including social skills, well-being, cultural capability, and identity. Teachers at Stanley Bay are continually learning and seeking improvement by exploring best practice; they are creative thinkers who instil wonder and curiosity in our students. Our teachers have high expectations and understand the importance of building strong relationships with students so that learning is personalised, meeting the needs of every child and providing challenge. Our students love coming to school. |
At Stanley Bay, we provide a curriculum that is designed to best suit the needs of the modern student. The current generation is growing up in a future that is uncertain, unpredictable, and different from the one we grew into.
To best meet the needs of our students all of our units of inquiry are concept and skills-based. Units of inquiry will focus on a concept such as change or function rather than predefined historical or scientific knowledge. Students will use and learn skills such as social, thinking, and research developing new knowledge along the way. Our future-focused curriculum is student centred, promotes student agency, encourages problem-solving, and develops 21st-century skills Specialist teachers Each week all students go with their classes to music, drama or science with our specialist kaiako/teachers while their class kaiako has their release to plan, prepare, assess or meet with their team. Sports coaching Part of our curriculum includes external coaches taking our classes with the support of their teacher for targeted sports lessons throughout the year. |
MathsAt Stanley Bay we use a problem-solving approach to maths and work with the expert in Maths: Dr Lucie Cheeseman.
Each term she meets with the teachers and co-constructs termly planning and models lessons with kaiako classes. |
LiteracyWe deliver structured literacy across the kura:
Programs for SuccessQuick 60
STEPS ESOL Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) Robotics Kapahaka Garden to Table Creatives in Schools Numicon Learning another language Specialist classes AffiliationsIndiana University of Pennsylvania
University of Auckland AUT: Auckland University of Technology Travelwise: Walking School Bus Kāhui Ako: Peninsula schools collaboration. North Harbour Sports and local sports clubs |
Sport is an opportunity for students to learn new skills in a fun and supportive environment. There are many reasons for children to be involved in sports; meeting new friends, getting exercise, improving physical skills, and having fun!
At Stanley Bay, sport provides students with valuable learning experiences that emphasize sportsmanship and fair play. Sport is an opportunity for children to develop an understanding that competing means not only striving to win but doing so in a way that models respect and integrity. As part of the class programme children will have regular opportunities to participate in fitness and sports activities. We also offer a variety of sports within and beyond the school, this could mean representing the school at Interschool events or participating in an extracurricular sport. |
Extra Curricular SportWe currently offer the following sports that are played outside of school hours:
Year 3 to 6 – Netball Year 3 to 6 – Hockey Year 5 to 6 – Basketball Year 1 to 6 – Touch Year 2 to 3 – Netball Our school sports teams rely on the dedication of our school community and parents to coach and manage our sports teams. |
Our programmes are delivered to ensure that Māori students achieve success as Māori and so that our students know our New Zealand culture and history.
The school acknowledges the unique position of Māori through the provision of Te Reo and Tikanga Māori and employs a fluent speaker of Te Reo to provide whole school instruction in kapa haka. School occasions observe Tikanga and the kaupapa of the school and community.
Improved outcomes for Māori will come about through integrating elements of student identity, language and culture into the curriculum and school culture. The school recognises that Te Reo and Tikanga are taonga.
Productive partnerships with parents, whānau, hapū, iwi and the community will retain high expectations and support Māori to achieve success.
Our school is a member of the Māori Achievement Collaborative (MAC) and most teachers participate in Te Reo courses.
The school acknowledges the unique position of Māori through the provision of Te Reo and Tikanga Māori and employs a fluent speaker of Te Reo to provide whole school instruction in kapa haka. School occasions observe Tikanga and the kaupapa of the school and community.
Improved outcomes for Māori will come about through integrating elements of student identity, language and culture into the curriculum and school culture. The school recognises that Te Reo and Tikanga are taonga.
Productive partnerships with parents, whānau, hapū, iwi and the community will retain high expectations and support Māori to achieve success.
Our school is a member of the Māori Achievement Collaborative (MAC) and most teachers participate in Te Reo courses.
EOTCAt Stanley Bay we have a structured Education Outside of The Classroom programme which offers a variety of challenging and diverse experiences.
Class TripsClass trips and excursions are organised to enhance the delivery of the curriculum.
Parents are notified well in advance and are encouraged to participate. |
Waterwise |
Camp Experience |
Waterwise is an important component of EOTC and teaches valuable water safety and confidence skills in the practical context of kayaking and sailing on the ocean.
Year 5 – Water confidence and safety skills at the Millennium Institute of Sport Year 6 – Kayaking and sailing at Narrowneck Beach For more information about Devonport Waterwise click here. |
Year 0, 1, and 2 – Camp Day on the school field.
Year 3 and 4 – A week of team-building activities that focus on collaboration and participation. The year 4 students also have a 1-night sleepover to help prepare them for the following year. Year 5 and 6 – Four days and three nights at Camp Adair, this is a YMCA camp and involves a range of land and water-based activities. |
During their time at Stanley Bay students have many opportunities to transform their creative ideas into expressive works that communicate meaning. The arts are integrated into our curriculum in a way that explores, challenges, and celebrates the unique artistic expression of each student, their community, and culture.
Students learn through and about performing and visual art; this enables them to interpret ideas within creative, aesthetic, and technological frameworks. We believe that encouraging creativity develops self-confidence and increases the student’s ability to take risks. Through the arts, students learn to work independently and collaboratively to create meaning and respond to and value the contribution of others. Music Education Centre (MEC)The Music Education Centre (MEC) provides comprehensive music education across Auckland. Students at Stanley Bay are able to participate in small groups or one on one lessons during the school day. For more information please go to the Music Education Centre website.
Graduate Profile
Creative Learners
Creatively solve problems. Share their learning in various ways. Able to use a variety of mediums to enhance their learning such as: various writing styles, digitally, soft and hard materials and more. Adapts to various situations. |
Capable thinkers
Evaluate and ask questions. Reflect on their learning, set goals and/or next learning steps. Take risks with their learning and gives new things a try. Share new ideas and listen to others opinions. Beginning to evaluate online information. |
Connected learners
Understand the importance of their actions in the school, community and the wider world. Collaborates with others, shares new learning and can active listen. Displays resilience and respect towards others. Shows integrity in all that they do. |
Culturally Confident
Knows their pepeha or mihi. Can participate in whakatau and Māori ceremonies. Sings varioius waiata, says karakia and various Māori phrases. A beginning awareness of racism. Knowledge of other cultures and celebrates others cultures. |
During the year we focus on the skills and attributes that will enable them to display these dispositions. By teaching our students to behave in these ways we are helping them develop important skills and the key competencies laid down in the New Zealand curriculum document.